are the creators, tastemakers and ambassadors of tomorrow. To become a Legate, state your mission and endorse a cause.
How it works.
Each organically boosts your personal brand and mission, supplying your message with an economic incentive that transcends sponsorships and defeats ads.
Make your mission known. From personal incentive to global ambition, your mission statement will act as rally banner for your sponsors and fans.
Find the brands and causes you already love and choose which to endorse. Join their brigade and unlock their exclusive community perks.
Boost your subscription value by unlocking VIP events, deals and gated content only available to your inner circle.
The more loyal you are to your mission, the more prestigious the perks you unlock for your community.
with the most trusted and sought-after brands to sponsor your mission. Benefit from pre-negotiated deals that
The latest form our communities, ecosystem & partners.